For once, worldwide calendars and busy work schedules locked into synch. At last after numerous attempts to gather us all together to meet up with my dad in Jersey it actually happened. We arrived first and my beautiful Ima met us at the airport & drove us back to her house for chats, tea, laughs and very kindly to hand her car over to us for the duration of our stay!
We then headed over to Dads house, where we would be staying with the family. Over the next 48 hours the kids arrived, Sam and Nic, followed by Haz. We were all together again, making a wish of us all being under the same roof, let alone the same country come true.
Mr T assisted with the depopulation of Jersey lobster stocks for dinner on the Friday night, where he invited Edward and Pam for a lobster feast. 9 lobsters and a couple of punnets of straight from the sea scallops. Didn’t take long to work out that the scallops weren’t going to cook themselves. Nor, despite their freshness, the lobsters were not going to present themselves in edible format. A few people copped some lobster juice spray whilst these were dealt with by the in house, world travelling Chef Bear! Plenty of garlic butter later, we were ready for dinner. Yum!
Sloped off to Emma’s the next day for a spot of lunch. Her and Sister, Penny had knocked up the mother of all Paellas. Much fun again!
Introducing the kids to some of my old haunts and houses was great, and taking Harri to Grannies Annie’s house and grave site was special!
Janet and David popped over from the UK for a couple of days.
Sadly, all things come to an end. Took the difficult decision to leave JT in Jersey whilst I popped back to Blighty for a bit more time with Mum. Leaving JT sometime with her Dad! Although that did not quite go plan she gained extra time with her besty!